The new icon is 1150 bytes while the old one was 1406 bytes. That is quite a bit smaller. Should reduce the load on Google’s servers considerably.
Monthly Archives: May 2008
Filters everywhere
Finally a clear article describing what NBC wants from Apple:
Microsoft May Build A Copyright Cop Into Every Zune
I really like the last bit:
Mr. Perrette said NBC understands the potential resistance. “In the short term, this will not win us a lot of friends,” he said. “In the long term, the consumer wants there to be quality premium-produced content, and in order for that to continue to be a viable business, there needs to be significant protection around it.”
I have some advice for NBC to ensure their success:
1. Stop giving away their content for free (Over the air).
2. Screw their customers (Filters everywhere).
3. Profit.