Megan Extreme

Sunday, August 12 was suppose to be a special day for Megan and I. We went to California Extreme together. After driving about an hour to get to Parkside Hall in San Jose, I payed thirty dollars for me and fifteen for Megan to enter the event. All of the lights and sounds got her truly excited. After about an hour of playing games I had a horrible thought.

The day before Megan told me her pump had about 20 units of insulin available. She goes thru about 30 units a day and I tell her we will change the reservoir the next morning. It occurred to me, in the middle of a game that I never refilled the pump. I took a look at it and found she had 1 unit available for delivery. This is about enough for half an hour.

Being an hour away from home was not far enough for me to pack a full compliment pump supplies. All I packed was low food. I had nothing with me to refill the pump.

It is not acceptable for Megan to spend even a few hours without her pump. Since she was hungry and needed to eat, I needed to give her insulin to cover those carbohydrates. Plus, with the pump empty she is not getting her basil insulin so her blood glucose will almost immediately rise beyond acceptable levels. So we had to leave.

That morning she was not sure if California Extreme was going to be fun. But after only an hour she was having such a good time I felt horrible that I had to tell her we had to go. I was really hard on myself on the drive home. Just a little bit of planning and we would have been able to spend a half-day playing video games and pinball machines.

Open and close

What do you mean when you say a platform is closed?

On the many mailing lists I subscribe to I too often hear that the Mac OS is a closed platform. I usually calm myself down and repeat the mantra, “He’s prolly a Linux user.” I think our two groups have very different meanings for the word open.

I wish we could come together on this issue. If the APIs to a platform are available, without the need to pony up cash, then the platform should be considered “open” by all. I know the Mac OS falls under this definition.

I do understand the Free Software Foundations concept of free. Since you can also download the source code to the core of Mac OS X, called Darwin, it is even more Free than Windows. But since almost no one has ever recompiled their Mac OS X kernel from the darwin sources it is not as Free as Linux.