Last night I saw a concert performance of Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. A week before, they release a new album: English Electric. I spent the week listening to it and enjoyed it very much.
But I didn’t get the feeling that the band took too many risks while creating this new album. I like all the new songs, they reminded me of their past works. But I didn’t see them taking any risks with the new material.
Then I heard the new songs live. I started appreciated them in a new light. Metroland turned from an OK new song (on the album) to a fantastic new song live.
I noticed the audience during the live performance would react differently to the old material and the new material. This is understandable. The old songs have built in emotion for each individual. But I noticed how songs from their previous album, The History of Modern were equally appreciated as the old material. I found that personally gratifying. I know this new album will have an equal place in this fan’s appreciation of OMD. Hopefully other’s appreciation as well.